Madison Wolfe

Madison Wolfe Portrait Image 1
Madison Wolfe in "The Campaign"

Madison Wolfe Portrait Image 2
Madison Wolfe in "True Detective"

Mr. Church (2016)
Mckenna Grace Natalie Coughlin / Madison Wolfe - Mr Church

Video Clip: Mr. Church 1 - 8:36
Video Clip: Mr. Church 2 (Mckenna Grace) - 8:20

The Conjuring 2 (2016)
Madison Wolfe Sterling Jerins - The Conjuring 2

Video Clip: Conjuring 2 / 1 - 10:48
Video Clip: Conjuring 2 / 2 - 2:08 (Sterling Jerins)

Zoo (TV Series)
- Clementine (2016)

Madison Wolfe - Zoo Clementine

Video Clip: Zoo 5 - 5:44

Joy (2015)
Isabella Crovetti-Cramp Madison Wolfe Aundria Gia Gadsby - Joy

Video Clip: Joy - 4:25 / Images Zip

Trumbo (2015)
Madison and Meghan Wolfe Elle Fanning Bella Preston

Video Clip: Trumbo - 8:08

"Zoo" (TV Series)
- Murmuration (2015)

Video Clip: Zoo 4 - 2:19

"Zoo" (TV Series)
- Sounds / Cheese Stands Alone (2015)

Video Clip: Zoo 2 - 1:24
Video Clip: Zoo 3 - 4:27

"Zoo" (TV Series)
- Blame It on Leo (2015)

Video Clip: Zoo 1 - 3:28

Home Sweet Hell (2015)

Video Clip: Home Sweet Hell - 3:29

"Astronaut Wives Club" (TV Series) (2015)

35 Images

Video Clip 1 - 2:01

30 Images

Video Clip 2 - 1:55

30 Images

Video Clip 3 - 1:03

25 Images

Devil's Due (2014)

"True Detective" (TV Series)
- Long Bright Dark / Seeing Things (2014)

"True Detective" (TV Series)
- The Locked Room (2014)

"True Detective" (TV Series)
- Secret Fate / Haunted Houses (2014)

On the Road (2013)

The Campaign (2012)

"Grace Unplugged" (TV Series)
- Hiring and Firing (2011)