Vanessa Marano
Vanessa Marano


Vanessa Marano

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"Medium" (2010) TV Series
- The Will Be Blood ... Type B

- The Will Be Blood ... Type A

"The Closer" (TV Series)
- Problem Child (2008)

"Gilmore Girls" (2006-2007)
- Prodigal Daughter / Anka

- Santa's Secret Stuff

"Malcolm in the Middle" (TV Series)
- Malcolm Defends Reese (2005)

"Without a Trace" (TV Series) (2002-2004)
- Malone v Malone (2004)
- In the Dark (2004)
- The Bus (2003)
- Fallout: Part 2 (2003)

"Grounded for Life"
- Tombstone Blues (2004)

The Brooke Ellison Story (2004)